Monday, February 6, 2012

Value of Shared Experiences


It has been a long time, how have you been?  I was moved by a post today, one that especially touched me, and I was reminded that I should make posting a priority, so, here it goes.

I was reminded by Allison Nazarian how important what we share can be for others - even when we might think it won't be of great significance.  So the nature of this post....Share Your Thoughts!

You see, the things we experience have purpose, even when we don't know it.  However, they have influence only when we share them.  Things in this life don't just happen, I believe (I know this won't be shared by all who read) they are part of a plan that is meant to effect others as well.  Too often though, we are too consumed by ourselves, and the urgent things that "we need to do" that we forget that to keep it to ourselves, limits the value of the experiences we have.

Also, share what impacts you.  I wouldn't have seen what Allison wrote, if Bob Burg hadn't taken the time to share it.  Thanks Bob!

Please be intentional in your life to share with others, which will help us all "Win For Them".

Sincerely and Humbly,


  1. Thank YOU so much for sharing, Steve. You put it so well: "You see, the things we experience have purpose, even when we don't know it. However, they have influence only when we share them."
    Awesome food for thought -- thank you!
    ~ Allison

    1. Thank you Allison! Going to be stalking your stuff now :)
